Title films
Title Films is a London Based, British film production company owned by
Universal Studios The Company was founded by Tim Bevan and Sarah Radclyffe in
Their most globally
recognised film perhaps is Billy Elliot which achieved worldwide fame in 2000
and was then later adapted to the stage due to its success.
They also
produce the popular Simon Pegg and Nick Frost movies such as Shaun of the Dead and
Hot Fuzz.
DNA Films
DNA Films is
a British film production company founded by Duncan Kenworthy and Andrew
Macdonald In 1997. They produce a number of primarily British films and have
had success with the thriller genre in particular
The Film
that has received the largest amount of praise is 2006’s ‘The last King of
Scotland’ which gained one of the lead actors Forrest Whitaker an Oscar. Some
other notable films include; 28 Days Later (2002), Love Actually (2003), Dredd
Films is a British film production and film distribution company based in
London, England. It was founded in 2002 by producers Alan Niblo and James
They are
most known for the Film Street Dance 3D, which was release in 2010. The
majority of Their films are British Based.
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