Title: Miracle at St. Anna
Director: Spike Lee
Writer: James McBride
Producer: Spike Lee
Production Company: 40 Acres and a Mule
Budget: £30,226,701
Box Office: £5,319,291
Year: 2008
Title: Inglorious Bastards
Director: Quentin Tarantino, Eli Roth (
Writer: Quentin Tarantino
Producer: Lawrence Bender
Production Company: A Band Apart, Studio
Budget: £50,395,944
Box Office: £80,988,253
Year: 2009
Tarantino is most likely a wider known director in modern Hollywood and as such
his movies are likely to receive more funding and as a result they appear to
make more money, Tarantino has had widespread commercial successes with his
films despite their odd presentation.
The subject
matter of Tarantino’s films, often appeal to the dominant ideology and as such
are likely to attract a larger amount of people based upon this. In contrast to
this Spike lee’s films often go against what is normally commercially successful,
the majority of his films are from a black point of view and as such gain less
global attraction as less people feel that they can relate to the piece.
This is
shown by Miracle at St. Anna as despite its £30m budget it only made a fraction
of that. This can possibly be attributed to the subject matter of a World War 2
film set from the perspective of black Americans, or other factors including
Lee’s beef with the film industry as a whole and poor critic reviews which
meant people were less likely to go and see it.
Quentin Tarantino
is also an Oscar winner which furthers his fame brining him into the public eye.
As we can
see from the table the budgets of the two films were not that different yet
Tarantino managed to almost double the budget, and win an academy award for the
In all
Quentin Tarantino and Spike lee are similar directors in that they have unique
ideas of filming and screenplays. How they differ is that Tarantino has the
support of the film industry as a whole and also makes more globally likeable
films in contrast to Lee.
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