The Dawn of
the planet of the Apes is a sequel to the popular ‘Rise of the Planet of the
apes’ which is a good reboot of the original franchise. This film differs from
the first as where the original was less action oriented and focused more on
the story of Caesar, who is the main protagonist of both films. This film
differs as it is told after the events of the first film where humanity has
already mostly collapsed and only fleeting splinters of them remain, as well as
the now escaped apes roaming the forests.
The story is
engaging and has good plot development and strong characters; the highlight for
me was Caesar who was played by Andy Serkis. The character is the most
intelligent of the apes and is their leader; he interacts well with the humans
as he is the only chimp who seems to take pity on them to an extent. There was
a lot of vital commentary on the futility of war and violent conflict, the film
does not expect you to pick sides too easily as hostility between the last few
remaining humans on earth and the intelligent apes arise.
They do a
good job of showing both good and characters on both sides as to make it not a
straight good and baddie story. The conflict spins more and more into chaos,
and there is little anyone can do. As in the previous film the CGI is
incredible, with credit to motion capture acting and the accompanying special
effects. The gloomy post-apocalyptic atmosphere and great cinematography all
adds up to an intelligent and entertaining continuation of the story.
The ending
was somewhat disappointing as I felt it did not bring the whole movie together
so much as to leave you on a cliff-hanger in anticipation for the third film.
The basic plot was somewhat simple; it did not deviate from a fairly standard
Hollywood formula. Though this is forgiven in light of the other aspects of the
film which make the whole package a good blockbuster and thoroughly enjoyable.
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